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Community Leaders from Relational Mission gathered at a prayer and fasting conference in London


As we read the New Testament we view an inspiring picture of the partnership between local churches and apostles. We see apostles either planting local churches or getting involved early on in their life in order to lay good foundations. 


We see local churches receiving apostles and their co-workers in order to keep healthy and stay engaged in the bigger picture of reaching the nations. 

We believe that it’s God’s plan for this dynamic to continue working today, and so we, as a local church, are partnered with a number of apostles and their co-workers and together we call ourselves ‘Relational Mission’ or ‘RM’. Essentially it does what it says on the tin: from a place of affection, trust and agreement (relationship) we partner together to play our part in getting the job done of reaching the world for Jesus (mission)! 

Rev and Relational Mission are part of Newfrontiers, a group of apostolic leaders, together with their teams and churches, united on global mission and by core values and genuine relationships.


We are primarily involved in planting and supporting churches, developing leaders and empowering the poor, both in this nation and across the world.

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